CAMATA Level 1 via Zoom

Are you interested in taking the CAMATA Air Medical Training Program? We are offering two dates for CAMATA Courses via zoom. Proposed dates for Course 1 are February 25 & 26th, 2025 and the second program is planned for March 3 & 4th, 2025. For...

CAMATA Level 1 course

CAMATA Is offering the CAMATA Air Medical Training Program Level I on Nov 29th and 30th, via zoom  If you are interested, please click here  for the application.


Vaccine and Booster Shot Information: This website link offers a great overview of the current recommendations for the COVID-19 vaccine, including links to all provinces and territories. You can find information about vaccine and booster shot eligibility, making...

Level 1 Course May 19 & 20, 2021 via ZOOM

The CAMATA Air Medical Training Program Level I will be held via zoom platform on May 19 & 20th, 2021 from 0830 – 1700 daily (Central Daylight Time).  The course provides the following:a) Basic Air Medical information for health care providers...


COVID 19 Vaccine Information Part 2: Vaccines and their role in stopping the pandemic Aproval Process Pfizier:The Pfizer vaccine was the first to be approved in Canada and initially show to have an efficacy of 95%. Age range for administration is 16 years and above....


Hi there!I hope all are staying safe. For the first quarter of 2021 I thought I would post some information on COVID 19 and the vaccinations. I will be doing this in 3 parts. COVID 19 Vaccine Information Part 1:The Trial Process: Vaccines are generally tested on...


With a resurgence in COVID-19 cases, I thought I would continue on with some articles that remind us of infection control measures and others that provide information about considerations for transport. Prepping For Transport:This article discusses key considerations...


This resource amalgamates multiple infectious disease resources into one cohesive document for EMS workers to refer to. A large portion of the resource focuses on ground transport, but Section 8 pages 69-70 offering insightful considerations for air transport...

French Level 1 course

Bonjour,Une formation en français pour le niveau 1 de l’Association Canadienne de Médecine Aérospatiale et de Transport Aéromédical (CAMATA) se tiendra par web conférence via la plateforme zoom les 28 et 29 septembre 2020.Je vous joins la fiche informative ainsi que...


CAMATA AIR MEDICAL TRAINING PROGRAM in Winnipeg on August 6 & 7th, 2020We are planning a small “COVID 19 respectful” CAMATA Air Medical Training Program in Winnipeg on August 6 & 7th.  We have two open spaces for this...
Stephen Blizzard

Stephen Blizzard

It is with heavy hearts that we acknowledge the passing of Dr. Stephen Blizzard on June 9, 2020. Stephen Blizzard is recognized as one of the top industry experts in aerospace and aviation medicine in the world. He joined CAMATA in the late 1990’s and was a...


I have found a few more articles to share with you: This first webpage outlines the Canadian transport measures and guidelines for air travel. Although not necessarily applicable to all aeromedical evacuation companies, some might find these resources useful for...

Jennifer Martin, PR Chairperson

“Thank you for the warm welcome, I am excited to join your team and look forward to delving further into the field of flight medicine.  My goal is to gather and share information related to the aeromedical environment. Given the ongoing pandemic related changes...

CAMATA Level 1 course

Because of the COVID 19 pandemic, CAMATA has cancelled some CAMATA Air Medical Training courses and will continue to monitor the public health advisories related to public gatherings before planning further programs.  On line options are difficult to implement for 2...

Welcome Our New PR Chairperson

Welcome Jennifer Martin to our CAMATA team. We are so excited to have Jennifer join us in the position of Website PR Chairperson. She will take on the project of sharing interesting cases, articles and other relevant content with our CAMATA members. I encourage you to...

Programme de formation aéromédicale Niveau 1

ACMATA Association Canadienne de Médecine Aérospatiale et de Transport Aéromédical Programme de formation aéromédicale Niveau 1 Date : mardi 26 et mercredi 27 mars 2019 Endroit : à déterminer Coût : médecins : $650* infirmières : $500* residents : $400* Pour...

CAMATA supports Navigate Change Inc.

Please visit our friends at Navigate Change Inc and see how you can help their great cause, or spread the word to someone in need. They are a non-profit organization aimed to increase public awareness and shed the stigma of this...


AIR MEDICAL TRANSPORT BECOMES PART OF THE 2018 CACCN DYNAMICS CONFERENCE Between September 24 and 26th, hundreds of critical care nurses from across Canada congregated in Calgary to attend the Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses Dynamics Conference 2018. The...